DC 12/1/17

1. Reflect on everything you worked on this week for your senior mastery.
2.What was wonderful about Thanksgiving break? What was not so great?
3. Reflect on your holiday card designs?
4. Reflect on what you wrote in your cards for our military folks that protect us.
5. Share the best thing you learned this week that was not assigned to you to learn.

Well this week I worked on the two annotated bibs that were due yesterday. I have not done too much with my photography senior mastery. I actually just decided to change my mastery this morning. I liked doing the holiday cards last year so Mrs. D suggested that I do more with cards this year so I decided to change my mastery to making all different kind of cards. I really think I will enjoy doing this and it will make my senior mastery fun. I had a great thanksgiving. It was a little different this year. My dad, brother and I usually go to our home town for thanksgiving and visit our families while my mom stays here with her sister and her dad but this year we decided to stay here and spend thanksgiving with them for a change. I missed seeing my other family but I was glad my mom was happy she got to spend this holiday with us for a change. We had a bunch of food. The day after Thanksgiving we all went up to spencer North Carolina for the Polar Express Train ride they have there for my brothers birthday. Then Saturday I went shopping with my mom for Black Friday sales. Overall it was a good holiday. I made three holiday cards. I liked the designs I chose to do this year. I had a great time doing them. That is obvious by the fact that I decided to change my mastery to doing different types of cards. I wrote two cards to the veterans about how appreciative I am for all that they have done and wished them a happy holiday. I learned this week that I need to not procrastinate this week because I did all of my work ahead of time mostly and it was so much easier and less stressful not having to rush to get everything done.

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