DC 12/1/17

1. Reflect on everything you worked on this week for your senior mastery.
2.What was wonderful about Thanksgiving break? What was not so great?
3. Reflect on your holiday card designs?
4. Reflect on what you wrote in your cards for our military folks that protect us.
5. Share the best thing you learned this week that was not assigned to you to learn.

Well this week I worked on the two annotated bibs that were due yesterday. I have not done too much with my photography senior mastery. I actually just decided to change my mastery this morning. I liked doing the holiday cards last year so Mrs. D suggested that I do more with cards this year so I decided to change my mastery to making all different kind of cards. I really think I will enjoy doing this and it will make my senior mastery fun. I had a great thanksgiving. It was a little different this year. My dad, brother and I usually go to our home town for thanksgiving and visit our families while my mom stays here with her sister and her dad but this year we decided to stay here and spend thanksgiving with them for a change. I missed seeing my other family but I was glad my mom was happy she got to spend this holiday with us for a change. We had a bunch of food. The day after Thanksgiving we all went up to spencer North Carolina for the Polar Express Train ride they have there for my brothers birthday. Then Saturday I went shopping with my mom for Black Friday sales. Overall it was a good holiday. I made three holiday cards. I liked the designs I chose to do this year. I had a great time doing them. That is obvious by the fact that I decided to change my mastery to doing different types of cards. I wrote two cards to the veterans about how appreciative I am for all that they have done and wished them a happy holiday. I learned this week that I need to not procrastinate this week because I did all of my work ahead of time mostly and it was so much easier and less stressful not having to rush to get everything done.

DC 11/17/17

1. Reflect on everything you worked on this week for your senior mastery.
2. Reflect on your final micrography piece.
3.What are your thoughts on compassion/kindness? Do you think AAST students care about others no matter what race, ethnicity, or background they come from? Explain your answer.
3. What are your thoughts on the video from advisory? https://youtu.be/Clw6MHjDNS0
4. Thanksgiving is next week. What are you thankful for?

For my senior mastery I did not work on much because I spent most of my time working on the micrography that I needed to get done this week. I was a little behind most people so I was trying to get caught up on all the work I had missed when I missed school. I finally finished my Micrography and it actually turned out really good. I used a picture of this black and white girl and used songs from my favorite singer and filled it in on illustrator and then I got help and got it shaded on photoshop and that was so helpful. It made it pop and actually look pretty professional and really made you able to tell what it was. I was not super happy with this project because I was stressed about it and I was worried that it was not going to look good but it ended up looking great and that made me really happy. My thoughts on compassion and kindness. Im a sensitive person myself and I would never on purpose hurt another person. AAST is completely the opposite of the type of people that I could see treating people bad. This school is 100% different than base school and I notice that all the time. A lot of things that happen here would never happen at a base school and I think that is great that students can come here and be themselves without worrying how other kids view them or what they would say about them. I would never want to go back to a base school and with the types of kids that are there because I like going to a school where you do not see rudeness, fighting or all the drama you see go on at a regular school.

DC 11/10/17

1. Reflect on everything you worked on this week for your senior mastery; including your two new sources for annotated bibs.
2. Reflect on your micrography progress.
3. Reflect on guest speakers; SCAD, Meagan Michel, Dr. Jen Boyle of CCU.
4. Reflect on your first quarter grades. Do you need to improve on anything? If yes, how will you improve?
5. You may reflect on the articles below.

I did my two annotated bibs on two online magazine articles I found. They were really helpful and I honestly learned a lot of new things about Landscape and outdoor photography. I like that I am learning things I want to know and things that are going to help me in the future, It has taken me so long to finish my micrography. I was out Monday and Tuesday so I did not finish this Friday. I had to start over at one point because I did not like the way it looked and I felt that there was not enough shading to do for the face. I changed to this girl that was already black and white and it was cool because It was easy to see what needed to be shaded. The guest speaker from SCAD and CCU was pretty cool. I don’t really have any intentions on applying to SCAD because that is not what I am really interested in but it was neat . I liked when the CCU lady came because it was cool to see what they had available for students here at home. I would kind of like to go to CCU so that I could stay home and near my family but I would not like the program the lady from CCU talked about but maybe asa minor. It would be nice to check out as something to do on the side honestly. My first quarter grades turned out to be pretty good. I liked them besides the fact that they are not turning out to be what I had last year but I am just struggling a lot in Prob and Stats. I will probably start studying more and start going to tutoring after school so I can keep my grade from getting any worse than it already was.

DC 10/27/17

1. Reflect on everything you worked on this week for your senior mastery..
2. Reflect on your final Wake Up Carolina poster design.
3. Reflect on Spirit Week and the Fall Festival.
4. You may reflect on the articles below.

This week I actually got to go out and take some photos. I actually went on this field trip with the school on halloween to a cemetery which is actually really cool. I got to just wander around and take a bunch of pictures of all the different things that were located in the cemetery. I like that I got to do that because I honestly think I will be able to use some of the pictures I got in my senior mastery portfolio. I ended up making three final Wake Up Carolina posters but only two got put out and while neither one of them got picked I wasn’t upset or anything because I think I did a pretty good job doing my posters and I know I made them look good but there were a bunch of better ones on the table to pick from. I would like to take mine home though honestly because I really thought the posters I did even though they were super simple that they were pretty decent and cool. I think my aunt would love to use one of the ones I made in her elementary class room and I could just take off the Wake Up Carolina part and that be pretty neat to have done by me. I did not participate in spirit week but it was pretty cool to see everyone dress up and look funny and have a good time. I always say I am going to participate but I never end up having time in the morning to do it and I always forget at night before I go to bed so I just ended up giving up on it. I actually really wanted to participate in the fall festival but I ended up having to work so I did not have time to come back up here. I am a little sad that I missed the last year but I am glad everyone had a good time.


DC 10/20/17

1. Reflect on the tour and information you learned at USC if you were on the trip.
2. Reflect on the State Fair Art Show, and the State Fair in general if you were able to attend.
3. Reflect on everything you worked on this week for your senior mastery.
4. You may reflect on the articles below.

I did not get to attend the State Fair trip but I would have really liked to go. I did not get to go because I had to work Friday night and my family already had set up an open house tour at USC. While we were in columbia for the USC tour we planned on going to the state fair before we came home and I was hoping to go and see if my photo got into the state fair. It ended up being too late when we got done and we were all so tired so we just went home and I did not get to see if it was in the State Fair or not. I was honestly really disappointed because I wanted to see really bad. Mrs D. told me she did not see my piece in the state fair anyways but I was not all that sad because I got in last year and that was a good accomplishment for me. I did not try all that hard this year to put something really good in the state fair though. I just picked a photo I liked from last year. I know I could have done a lot better if I had tried more but I did not. This whole week I have been working on my posters for Wake Up Carolina. I ended up making two of them and I plan on working on a third one since we have until Friday to finish them. I feel like i did pretty good on them. The only thing is all the posters and things I do are usually just simple so its never big and bold. That is just my style and the way I do things. I would have been working on my senior mastery more if I had not been occupied with the posters that were due.

DC 10/6/17

1. Reflect on everything you worked on this week for your senior mastery.
2. Reflect on the part you are playing in the door decoration for Breast Cancer Awareness.
3. reflect on your final design for the Human Affairs Commission.
4. You may reflect on the articles below.

This week I have been working on finishing my Human Affairs Commission logo. I have been looking for new sources for my next bibliography that are coming up due soon. I have been looking more into who I am going to intern with to help me more with my senior mastery. I have also been looking more into these clubs that I can join to better myself at photography. That will help me to have a better looking portfolio for my mastery. I am excited to start getting all my pictures together and start seeing how the portfolio is going to look in the end.  I did not know what part I was going to have in the Breast Cancer Awareness door decoration until I started typing this out because I actually got asked to come help decorate the door as soon as I finish writing this so that is what I am going to do. I know that we are doing something in relation to facebook and going to add in the cancer awareness also. I am excited to do this because I have been seeing the doors around the school and want to see how ours is going to turn out and hopefully we win some place in the whole door contest but if not, it was just a fun thing to do in general. I worked on my Human Affairs Commission thing for over a week, switching my idea countless times because I did not like it, or it was too similar to someone else’s but I finally figured it out and I am actually pretty happy with how it turned out. I have surprisingly learned a bunch of new things on illustrator this year that people have been showing me and if I knew about these things last year, some of my artwork probably would have come out a lot better than it did but that is one that I am going to be happy to show in my senior mastery.

DC 9/29/17

1. Reflect on everything you worked on this week for your senior mastery.
2. Reflect ton your first two Annotated bibs entries.
3. What ideas have you come up with so far for decorating the door for Breast Cancer Awareness?
4. You may reflect on the articles below.

This week I spent my week working on my research and my bibliography’s that were due at the end of the week. I used the whole week to read through the book I got for one of my annotated bibs and also went online to find another source to use for my my second annotated bibs. I actually learned a lot of new things for my photography and I know that the annotated bibs are for our research and not directly for our senior master presentation but I did learn a lot more that i believe will definitely help me to improve my mastery. I did not work on much actual stuff for my senior mastery but I did learn a few people i may be able to intern with and that is one thing that I did need to find out soon because I can not actually do much until i have more tips and help in creating my landscape photography. I looked into some photography clubs Mrs. D sent me and i think once i get started in them that is going to help me a lot also. I am just trying to do all I can to help me improve my skills and learn new things for the year that are going to help me with classwork, research and my senior mastery as a whole. For the breast cancer thing we are doing for the door, I did not individually come up with any great ideas but the idea that the whole class is trying to do sounds like it will be a good one. We are turning facebook into something that has to do with breast cancer and people that are dealing with breast cancer. We are trying to win for sure and I hope we do because I mean we are DC so other than art we should have a pretty good chance.

DC 9/22/17

1. Reflect on your design process for the SCHAC Logo.
2. Reflect on everything you worked on this week for your senior mastery.
3. You may reflect on the articles below.

The SCHAC logo is due October 6th. I have not came up with a set idea for it but I have a few things I know I want to have in it so I at least already have some things designed. I have the way i want the words “South Carolina” and “Human Affairs Commission” designed and I am planning on using the South Carolina state design on there. I just don’t know what else to add to it because it will be so plain if I did not add more. Designing logos is one of the things I like the most about working on illustrator. I like being able to design things and I actually just learned how to use the pen trace stuff which i did not know at all last year so that is going to be honestly so helpful now that I know i can use that tool to design things.This week I have been piled with work so I probably have not worked on as much as I should have for my senior mastery but I have been looking through the research books I got at the library to start getting ready for the annotated bibs that are due next week. I have been looking for who to intern with. I know there is a lot of places to intern at but i specifically want a photographer that specializes in landscape photography so that i get the best experience and learning for my senior mastery. I have not went out and took any pictures yet but I am going to set up dates to go out each month from now on so that I can start getting shots to work on to add into my portfolio for my senior mastery. I know that i need to start working on my senior mastery more during the week than i did this week, if I want to be prepared and do well on it.

DC 9/18/17

1. Reflect on everything you worked on this week for your senior mastery.
2. How is your senior year of high school going so far?
3. What things do you have to balance this semester? (example: school, work, church, exercise….) How is that working out?
4. You may reflect on the articles below

This week for my senior mastery I worked on the outline of my timeline and do my competencies. I ended up having to go back and redo them but other than that I am glad i got them done and out of the way. I know I will have to go back in later and actually finish my timeline but I am glad I at least got the outline done. My senior year is going pretty good so far. I mean I have decent grades even though I would like to bring them up just a little bit more I like that I get out early on Fridays. The only thing I do not really like is the fact that Tuesdays and Thursday I have to stay all day and this year it just feels so long. And also the work is a lot. The college classes I am taking are a lot different from high school classes because they don’t tell you or remind you when work is due, so I have to keep up with it on my own. I am having to balance school and homework with also my swimming so I have swim practice every Monday through Thursday at 6 am before school then come to school  and do my work and them homework after school. I work Friday nights until 1 am and then have swim meets every Saturday mornings at around 6 am too that last until about 1 in the afternoon. I like working because I need money and I mean I only work one day a week so I need it but the swim meets the next morning make it difficult. But it only lasts for about 2 more weeks so I know i can get through it and I want to finish my last year on the swim too and have a chance of a scholarship for that.

DC 9/12/17

1. Reflect on everything you worked on since school began.
2. How do you feel now that you are a senior?
3. Reflect on our visit to the Media Center.
4. You may reflect on the articles below

It seems like since school started it has gone by fast and the work has just kept on coming and coming. I am taking two regular classes this semester which are obviously Digital Communications and I am taking probability and stats honors because I did not want to have to take precalculus next semester. I am also taking 3 pace classes al9one with my regular classes, English 101, Sociology, and psychology. English 101 is on Mondays and Wednesdays, and sociology and psychology are on Tuesdays and Thursdays which leave my Fridays with only two classes so I am definitely happy about that. So all together I am taking 5 classes this semester so I feel like I have a lot on my plate but I am still glad I am taking so much because I know it will look good on my college applications. Now that I am a senior I honestly just want to get it over with. Everyone says senior year is supposed to be the easiest year but for me it kind of seems like the hardest. Everyone always says at the end of the year you do not want to end because it is sad and you miss it but I don’t think that is going to be the case for me. I just want to get all my work done and get out as soon as possible because it is exciting to finally get to see what I am gong to move onto and if I will make what I want to out of myself if that makes sense. We visited the library Thursday I think and that is probably the only time I have ever even set down in there or looked at the books since I first started coming to this school. I found a few books to check out that seem good for my research topic but also to help me with my mastery.

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